Clan Alasdair today

Kintyre is still the heartland of this clan, and many MacAlasdairs continue to make their homes there. However, “[t]oday there

are as many of the name in the southwest of Scotland as in Kintyre” [Keay, p. 643]. By the late 20th century, there were even

more of this clan in Northern Ireland than in Kintyre – in fact, Angus Martin lists McAllister as one of “the principal Kintyre sur-

names in the Glens of Antrim” [Martin, p. 94]. Descendants of this clan can also be found in England (home to the current

chief), Canada, the United States, the West Indies, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, the Netherlands, parts of Latin

America, and probably elsewhere. Several countries have active clan societies, and the Clan Centre at Glenbarr, now under

the care of the international MacAlister Clan Trust, continues to welcome clansmen from all over the world.